Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hey Lindsay...

...look what we did to your dog while you were away ;P

Please not that Sorcha is also wearing a clog on her back left foot. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hailey's Cake

This cake was for my little sister's 22nd birthday.  She seems eternally 19 to me - perhaps admitting that she is growing older means accepting that I am too.

Anyways, this cake was Red Velvet with Cream Cheese frosting and totally delicious if you ask me.  The flowers and decorations are all handmade out of gumpaste and fondant.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Snapshot Sunday

Our snapshot Sunday...all pictures from the garden, and mostly squashes.

Container acorn squash
Delicata squash nestled amongst the corn
The top of that lovely corn
Beautiful zucchini blossoms

Go here to join in!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Two things...

Thing one:  Look at the potatoes I dug up today!  These are from two prematurely withered plants and one I dug up for fun; none of the rest of my potatoes are ready to pull.  I got about 25 potatoes from my two Russet plants, and only five from my Russian Blue plant.  I still have two Russets, seven Yukon Gold, and seven Russian Blue plants left.  I'm thrilled that they are doing so well.  I will post more about my garden tomorrow.

Thing two:  How cute is this face?!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mini Blossom Wedding-Gift Cake.

Another request for the painted swirls.  I think that might become my signature.  

  This cake is little....just four inches in diameter, but six inches tall (I thought that might be fun - in retrospect I would use less frosting and more cake for better stability) Neapolitan cake.  Vanilla butter cake, chocolate ganache, and strawberry cream cheese buttercream.  Yum!  This cake combo has passed every taste test with five stars.  

Thank you Hailey!