Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bikram's Yoga Cake

My most recent job was for a community potluck at a local yoga studio. This cake features all 26 of the Bikram yoga style poses, and the topper is the studio's logo. 

The top tier (6 in) is vegan vanilla, the middle (8 in) is lemon, and the bottom (10 in) is chocolate.

All the decorations are made by hand.  All the figures are freehand.    


West Coast Mama said...

Wow! It turned out great! You do such fantastic work. I can't believe you did it all freehand. Good job!

greenteacher said...

Oh my goodness! The cake is gorgeous! I can't believe all that freehand work... They must have been thrilled!

Lindsay said...

I loved watching it evolve from batter, to cake, to fully decorated! It's so interesting to see how artisans do their work.